Los programas académicos de la Escuela Moderna Americana preparan a sus alumnos para un óptimo desempeño en sus estudios universitarios creando hábitos de disciplina y amor por el estudio y la lectura, claves para alcanzar una vida adulta integral y satisfactoria.

En Preescolar la enseñanza se imparte en inglés, con metodologías de vanguardia que facilitan, a través del juego, la inmersión de nuestros pequeños en este idioma, mientras disfrutan de su aprendizaje y de sus logros.

Antecede a la Primaria “Prefirst English”, año en el que el niño aprende de manera formal a comprender, leer y escribir en inglés.

En Primaria se inicia el sistema bilingüe, dedicando la mitad del tiempo al programa de español y la otra mitad al de inglés. En busca de un desarrollo integral para los alumnos, nuestros modelos educativos se enriquecen con metodologías reconocidas que promueven formas fundamentales de aprendizaje: aprender a ser, aprender a hacer, aprender a aprender y aprender a convivir. En Bachillerato (Secundaria y Preparatoria), además de cumplir con los programas de la SEP y de la UNAM, se imparten materias en inglés dirigidas al dominio pleno de la lengua que les permiten a los jóvenes presentar con éxito exámenes como el SAT, TOEFL de Estados Unidos, el Cambridge First Certificate in English y el Cambridge Proficiency in English.



The school permanently has special programs to promote reading and writing. Apart from the rotating libraries in classrooms, the school has a central library with over 16,000 titles of interest to students.



​​​​​​​This program is intended to help students to recognize the different types of abuse and provide prevention and protection strategies to address them. This valuable tool promotes communication and aims to empower the voice of children to know how to say "no" and put limits on any type of abuse. 



This program proposes a series of skills and values that allow the student a better relationship with adults and their peers, as well as the ability to self-regulate behavior and emotions. It seeks to establish an empathetic school community based on assertive communication and conflict resolution. 



This program teaches  a necessary tool for self-regulation and conscious attention. It promotes strategies in our educational community by implementing different forms of meditation and breathing, recognizing emotions and needs without any judgments; only accepting the present.


En este espacio se brinda orientación y tutoría integral a los alumnos para atender sus necesidades emocionales, sociales y académicas. El departamento establece una red de comunicación con las personas involucradas en su formación, para apoyar de manera conjunta al estudiante.


The MAS Prevention program offers a series of conferences and workshops given by experts in various fields, for the purpose of providing support to all the actors in the educational enterprise: parents, students and teachers, in order to jointly respond assertively to negative social conducts that may endanger the physical, mental or emotional health of the students.

Should you have any doubts regarding our guest speakers, times and/or dates, please do not hesitate to call us on 5658 4766 ext. 4221. MAS Prevention Conferences


MAS Goes Green is a great project through which the school is taking deliberate steps to help the conservation and care of the environment and whose main objective is to raise awareness among students as to their responsibility with planet Earth.

REDUCE consumption of water, electricity, fuel

RECYCLE PET, aluminum, cardboard, TetraPak

REUSE paper.


It has highly qualified personnel for the safe transportation of the students.

There are established routes and modern mobile units to meet the established schedules of the different grades. Transportation to afternoon activities is included.

The cost of school transportation is independent from tuition.